Adding Product Category Description in Woothemes Canvas Framework

In this article, I will show you how to add a description under product category page or category archive page when  using Canvas Theme / Framework by Woothemes.

Before making changes to your template, I would suggest doing a back up first. You can backup your WordPress website by using WP Maintenance plugin.

To add the category description to your product category archive, you must do the following step below.

  1. Go to Appearance Tab
  2. Click Editor
  3. Find and Open the file called  template-archives.php ( Archives Page * * The archives page template displays a conprehensive archive of the current * content of your website on a single page. * * @package WooFramework * @subpackage Template Page Template )
  4. Look for the code <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2> 
  5. Add this code below   <?php echo category_description( get_category_by_slug(‘category-slug’)->term_id ); ?>           
  6. Then Save          

Once you have completed these steps, make sure that you clear your browser cache first. In case you have encounter an error while saving the changes and was unable to recover your WordPress website, you must log to your FTP and remove any changes you made or use the backup you have created.


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